I would be lying if I said that I get any return on my tuition investment through the university library. Mary Couts Burnett Library, here at my illustrious beacon of learning, is lovely, I swear. There is never a shortage of day-old sushi, Red Bulls, and people making out in The Stacks (aka the basement, the typical fantasy location of all collegians... NOT. #youretackyandihateyou). But, I do not swipe my ID and trek into the great unknown without a knife at my back...and I am not alone.
Please do not be fooled by our minimal use of the library as indication of lack in academic success. Horned Frogs take their education very seriously, myself included. But with today's technology and our incredibly innovative professors, I do not have to sift through the Restricted Section to research Nicolas Flamel.
*I should've apologized in advance for any Harry Potter references. I can't help it. Sorry not sorry*
But this summer has been a completely different story; Maybe it is because I am on the brink of graduation or because there are not 50 BILLION people in the loud section creating a common area for all Greeks. Either way, the populous of Club Lib in the summer months is about as hoppin as Rock Bottom on a Monday night. OR... *cue cliché*...
the reality may be that absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
Shocking, isn't it. Could I possibly be enjoying the library this summer because I have strategically avoided it for three solid years? Have I morphed into that sad, sad almost-alumni desperately clinging to anything purple or university-related as a sure-to-fail coping mechanism? YES. I am that pathetic human and guess what, people...I'm damn proud. I have worked really hard for three years at being 2kool4skool. If I wasted my last year of college being calm and collected, the epitome of nonchalant... I would hate myself forever. And I will go out on a limb online with my millions of blog followers to testify that I will not be the only senior surfacing at random events on campus, caught hanging out in Club Lib, or actually participating in Go Purple Fridays (obviously, the last one is just for the free Chick Fil A,). Why? Because misery loves company.
If you're one of those cuties about to start your junior year, feeling on top of the world, making sure you're not tied down to anything or anyone because you've got a bad case of FOMO, Godspeed. Upperclassman life is grand, glorious, and Blue Mesa happy hour is just the cherry on the sundae. But those days are fleeting and then you will be sitting at home on a Sunday night dreaming up big post-grad dreams, soothing your aging soul with an 8-tracks playlist called "Troubled Tenacity", and eating carrots. This is it people. This is the end. There is an actual light at the end of the tunnel and it shines bright with hopes of finding a decent job and not moving back in with my parents.
So my advice? All aboard the crazy train. You won't want to miss the last leg of this trip and trust me, you won't be alone. (I'll definitely be there with the champs in hand)
help a sista out: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GSD3BBW
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